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[파워쉘] 골뱅이(@, Splat 이라고 함)의 의미

굳이 해석할 필요도 없어 보인다.


Splatting allows the entries of a hash-table to be used in the invocation of a cmdlet - more specifically, keys become named parameters and values become input to those parameters. Here's a sample:

$procs = @{name="notepad","iexplore"}

get-process @procs

결과는 귀차나서.. 생략..

Of course multiple parameters can be specified at once (that's the whole point of the hashtable anyhow):

$gm = @{memberType="ScriptProperty","Property";name="[a-d]*"} 

get-process @gm

역시 결과는 귀차나서.. 생략..

In other words, invocation parameterization information can now be kept and passed around as data.

출처 : http://bartdesmet.net/blogs/bart/archive/2008/03/24/windows-powershell-2-0-feature-focus-splat-split-and-join.aspx